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[1 CD] 8.557269

내 음반WishList
로시니: "윌리엄 텔" 
ROSSINI: Guillaume Tell

Marcello Giordani (tenor)

Steven Mercurio (conductor)
Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus of the Bellini Theatre, Catania

 녹음: 2001/12/10-16 Stereo, Digital
장소: Massimo V. Bellini, Theatre, Catania

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2019/10/20 mo***님 입력]

[8.557269] Asile hereditaire
도니체티: "연대의 딸" 
DONIZETTI: La fille du régiment

Marcello Giordani (tenor)

Steven Mercurio (conductor)
Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus of the Bellini Theatre, Catania

 녹음: 2001/12/10-16 Stereo, Digital
장소: Massimo V. Bellini, Theatre, Catania

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2019/10/20 mo***님 입력]

[8.557269] Ah! mes amis, quel jour de fete!
도니체티: "라 파보리타" 
DONIZETTI: La Favorita

Marcello Giordani (tenor)

Steven Mercurio (conductor)
Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus of the Bellini Theatre, Catania

 녹음: 2001/12/10-16 Stereo, Digital
장소: Massimo V. Bellini, Theatre, Catania

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2019/10/20 mo***님 입력]

[8.557269] Un ange, une femme inconnue
벨리니: "청교도" 
BELLINI: I Puritani

Marcello Giordani (tenor)

Steven Mercurio (conductor)
Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus of the Bellini Theatre, Catania

 녹음: 2001/12/10-16 Stereo, Digital
장소: Massimo V. Bellini, Theatre, Catania

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2019/10/20 mo***님 입력]

[8.557269] Nel furor delle tempeste
Per te di vane lagrime
벨리니: 귀여운 필리데가 돌아오다 
BELLINI: Torna vezzosa Fillide

Marcello Giordani (tenor)

Steven Mercurio (conductor)
Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus of the Bellini Theatre, Catania

 녹음: 2001/12/10-16 Stereo, Digital
장소: Massimo V. Bellini, Theatre, Catania

[2019/10/20 mo***님 입력]

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