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[1 CD] BIS-CD-817

내 음반WishList
시벨리우스: 첼로와 피아노를 위한 안단테 몰토 F 단조 (1887) 
SIBELIUS: Andante Molto in F minor for cello and piano (1887)

Torleif Thedeen (cello)
Folke Grasbeck (piano)

 녹음: 1996/09/06,08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyd Grammer School, Danderyds Gymnasium, Stockholm, Sweden

[2012/7/16 pp***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 왈츠 올림F단조 
SIBELIUS: Tempo di valse in F sharp minor ('Lulu Waltz') JS 194

Torleif Thedeen (cello)
Folke Grasbeck (piano)

 녹음: 1996/09/06,08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyd Grammer School, Danderyds Gymnasium, Stockholm, Sweden

[2012/7/16 pp***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 안단티노 C장조 JS 40 
SIBELIUS: Andantino in C major, JS 40 (for cello and piano)

Torleif Thedeen (cello)
Folke Grasbeck (piano)

 녹음: 1996/09/06,08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyd Grammer School, Danderyds Gymnasium, Stockholm, Sweden

[2012/7/16 pp***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 주제와 변주 d단조 JS 196 
SIBELIUS: Theme and Variations in D minor, JS 196 for solo cello

Torleif Thedeen (cello)

 녹음: 1996/09/06,08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyd Grammer School, Danderyds Gymnasium, Stockholm, Sweden

[2012/7/16 pp***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 바이얼린(첼로)과 관현악(피아노)을 위한 2개의 소품 op.77 
SIBELIUS: 2 Pieces for Violin(Cello) and Orchestra(Piano) op.77

Torleif Thedeen (cello)
Folke Grasbeck (piano)

 녹음: 1996/09/06,08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyd Grammer School, Danderyds Gymnasium, Stockholm, Sweden

[2012/7/16 pp***님 입력]
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