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[42 CD] 4831252

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소장한 회원: 1명
플로어 피터스: 축제 미사 
PEETERS, Flor: Missa festiva, op. 62

John Scott: organ

George Guest (conductor)
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

 녹음: 1976/07,12 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
로크: 높임 받으시옵소서, 주여 
LOCKE, Matthew: Be thou exalted, Lord

James Bowman: countertenor
Robert Tear: tenor
Christopher Keyte: bass

George Guest (conductor)
The Matheson Consort
The Philomusica of London

 녹음: 1976/03/12,13 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
로크: 인자가 영광 속에서 올 때 
LOCKE, Matthew: When the son of man shall com in his glory

James Bowman: countertenor
Robert Tear: tenor
Christopher Keyte: bass

George Guest (conductor)
The Matheson Consort
The Philomusica of London

 녹음: 1976/03/12,13 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
존 블로: 주께 노래하라 
BLOW, John: Sing unto the Lord

James Bowman: countertenor
Robert Tear: tenor
Christopher Keyte: bass

George Guest (conductor)
The Matheson Consort
The Philomusica of London

 녹음: 1976/03/12,13 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
펠험 험프리: 주께 감사를 돌려라 
HUMFREY, Pelham: O give thanks unto the Lord

James Bowman: countertenor
Robert Tear: tenor
Christopher Keyte: bass

George Guest (conductor)
The Matheson Consort
The Philomusica of London

 녹음: 1976/03/12,13 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]

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