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[42 CD] 4831252

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소장한 회원: 1명
퍼셀: 그들이 내게 말했을 때 나는 기뻤네, Z 19 
PURCELL: I was glad when they said unto me, Z 19

Lynton Atkinson: treble
Paul Esswood: countertenor
Ian Partridge: tenor I
Antony Dawson: tenor II
Stafford Dean: bass

John Scott: organ

George Guest (conductor)
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

 녹음: 1975/03/14,15 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
퍼셀: 오, 만군(萬軍)의 주(主)이신 하느님 Z. 37 
PURCELL: O Lord God of hosts, Z. 37

Lynton Atkinson: treble
Paul Esswood: countertenor
Ian Partridge: tenor I
Antony Dawson: tenor II
Stafford Dean: bass

John Scott: organ

George Guest (conductor)
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

 녹음: 1975/03/14,15 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
퍼셀: 감사할지어다, Z 33 
PURCELL: O give thanks, Z 33

Lynton Atkinson: treble
Paul Esswood: countertenor
Ian Partridge: tenor I
Antony Dawson: tenor II
Stafford Dean: bass

John Scott: organ

George Guest (conductor)
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

 녹음: 1975/03/14,15 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College, Cambridge, England

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
슈베르트: 미사 E flat장조 D. 950 
SCHUBERT: Mass in E flat major D. 950

Felicity Palmer soprano
Helen Watts contralto
Kenneth Bowen, Wynford Evans tenors
Christopher Keyte bass

George Guest (conductor)
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge
Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields/George Guest

 녹음: 1974/08/02 Stereo, Analog
장소: Chapel of St John's College, Cambridge

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]
뒤뤼플레: 레퀴엠 op. 9 
DURUFLÉ: Requiem op. 9

Robert King (treble)
Christopher Keyte (baritone)

Stephen Cleobury (organ)

George Guest (conductor)
Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

 녹음: 1974/03/15-16 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. John's College Chapel, Cambridge

[2022/5/29 ne***님 입력]

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