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[1 CD] SIGCD224

내 음반WishList
림스키-코르사코프: 러시아 주제에 의한 환상곡 op. 33 
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Fantasia on Russian Themes op. 33

Hideko Udagawa (Vln.)

Martyn Brabbins (conductor)
The Philharmonia Orchestra

 녹음: 2007/11/21~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London

[2013/10/1 da***님 입력]
닐스 W. 가데: 바이올린과 관현악을 위한 카프리치오 가단조 
GADE, Niels W.: Capriccio for Violin and Orchestra in A minor

Hideko Udagawa (Vln.)

Martyn Brabbins (conductor)
The Philharmonia Orchestra

 녹음: 2007/11/21~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London

[2013/10/1 da***님 입력]
이자이: 2곡의 살롱 마주르카 op. 10 
YSAYE: 2 Mazurkas de Salon, op. 10

Hideko Udagawa (Vln.)

Martyn Brabbins (conductor)
The Philharmonia Orchestra

 녹음: 2007/11/21~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2013/10/1 da***님 입력]

[SIGCD224] No. 2
글라주노프: 명상 op. 32 
GLAZUNOV: Meditation op. 32

Hideko Udagawa (Vln.)

Martyn Brabbins (conductor)
The Philharmonia Orchestra

 녹음: 2007/11/21~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London

[2013/10/1 da***님 입력]
이자이: 사육제의 살타렐로 op. Posth. 
YSAYE: Saltarelle carnavalesque, op. Posth.

Hideko Udagawa (Vln.)

Martyn Brabbins (conductor)
The Philharmonia Orchestra

 녹음: 2007/11/21~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London

[2013/10/1 da***님 입력]
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