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[1 CD] 4795305

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소장한 회원: 2명
멘델스존: 바이올린 협주곡 D단조 
MENDELSSOHN: Violin Concerto in D minor

Daniel Hope: violin

Kammerorchester Basel

 녹음: 2015/09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Martinskirche, Müllheim, Germany

[2016/2/20 ne***님 입력]
스티브 라이히: 두 대의 바이올린과 현을 위한 2중주 
REICH, Steve: Duet for two violins and strings

Daniel Hope, Simos Papanas: violin

Kammerorchester Basel

 녹음: 2015/09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Martinskirche, Müllheim, Germany

[2016/2/20 ne***님 입력]
비발디: 2대의 바이올린을 위한 협주곡 A단조 op. 3-8 RV 522 
VIVALDI: Concerto for 2 Violins in A minor op. 3-8 RV 522

Daniel Hope, Simos Papanas: violin
Emanuel Forni: guitar
Naoki Kitaya: harpsichord

Daniel Hope (conductor)
Kammerorchester Basel

 녹음: 2015/09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Martinskirche, Müllheim, Germany

[2016/2/20 ne***님 입력]
존 태버너: 소프라노, 독주 바이올린과 현을 위한 '천사의 노래'  
TAVENER, John: Song of the Angel, for soprano, violin and strings

Chen Reiss: Soprano

Daniel Hope: violin

Daniel Hope (conductor)
Kammerorchester Basel

 녹음: 2015/09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Martinskirche, Müllheim, Germany

[2016/2/20 ne***님 입력]
페르트: 바이올린, tubular bells, 현악을 위한 'Darf ich...' 
PÄRT: Darf ich... for violin, tubular bells and strings

Daniel Hope: violin
Alex Wäber: tubular bells

Daniel Hope (conductor)
Kammerorchester Basel

 녹음: 2015/09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Martinskirche, Müllheim, Germany

[2016/2/20 ne***님 입력]

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