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[1 CD] 09026_68860_2

내 음반WishList
아놀드: 플루트와 체임버 오케스트라를 위한 협주곡 2번, op.111 
ARNOLD: Concerto for flute & chamber orchestra no.2, op.111

James Galway: flute

Sir Neville Marriner (conductor)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields

 녹음: 1996/09/16 Stereo, Digital
장소: EMI Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2014/3/11 da***님 입력]
아놀드: 관악 5중주를 위한 3개의 노래 
ARNOLD: Three Shanties for Wind Quintet Op 4

James Galway (Fl.)
Gareth Hulse (Ob.)
Antony Pay (Cl.)
Philip Eastop (Hn.)
Rachel Gough (Fg.)

 녹음: 1996/09/11~15 Stereo, Digital
장소: Whitfield Street Studios, London

[2014/3/11 da***님 입력]
아놀드: 플룻 소나티나 
ARNOLD: Flute Sonatina Op 19

James Galway (Fl.)
Phillip Moll (Pf.)

 녹음: 1996/09/11~15 Stereo, Digital
장소: Whitfield Street Studios, London

[2014/3/11 da***님 입력]
아놀드: 플루트와 현악기를 위한 협주곡 1번 op.45 
ARNOLD: Concerto for flute & Strings no.1 op.45

James Galway: flute

Sir Neville Marriner (conductor)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields

 녹음: 1996/9/16 Stereo, Digital
장소: EMI Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2014/3/11 da***님 입력]
아놀드: 플룻, 오보에, 클라리넷을 위한 디베르티멘토 
ARNOLD: Divertimento for Flute, Oboe and Clarinet Op 37

James Galway (Fl.)
Gareth Hulse (Ob.)
Antony Pay (Cl.)

 녹음: 1996/09/11~15 Stereo, Digital
장소: Whitfield Street Studios, London

[2014/3/11 da***님 입력]
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