네티즌 200자평 | |
네티즌 리뷰 | | 리뷰는 동호회 게시판으로 링크됩니다.
Sheila Armstrong, Lillian Watson: soprano
Patricia Kern, Sandra Browne: mezzo-soprano
Anne Collins, Alfreda Hodgson: contralto
Ryland Davies, Alexander Oliver: tenor
Benjamin Luxon: baritone
Stafford Dean, Robert Lloyd: bassRobert Spencer: lute
Osian Ellis: harp
Joy Hall: cello
Henry Ward, Leslie Pearson, Raymond Leppard: harpsichord Raymond Leppard (conductor) Members of the Glyndebourne Opera Chorus
| 녹음: 1971/1 Stereo, Analog 장소: Brent Town Hall, Wembley, London
네티즌 200자평 | |
네티즌 리뷰 | | 리뷰는 동호회 게시판으로 링크됩니다.
Sheila Armstrong, Lillian Watson, Heather Harper, Anne Howells : soprano
Robert Tear, Alexander Oliver, Luigi Alva, John Wakefield: tenor
Stafford Dean: bassRobert Spencer: lute
Joy Hall, Kenneth Heath: cello
Adrian Beers: double-bass
Leslie Pearson, Raymond Leppard: harpsichord Raymond Leppard (conductor) Members of the Ambrosian Singers
Members of the English Chamber Orchestra
English Chamber Orchestra
| 녹음: 1971/1 Stereo, Analog 장소: Brent Town Hall, Wembley, London
네티즌 200자평 | |
네티즌 리뷰 | | 리뷰는 동호회 게시판으로 링크됩니다.