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[1 CD] 8.554054

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 3명
하차투리안: 발레 음악 "가야네" 
KHACHATURIAN: Ballet "Gayaneh"

Andre Anichanov (conductor)
St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 1993/08 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. Petersburg Radio

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2007/11/5 ra***님 입력]

[8.554054] - Sabre Dance
- Dance of the Girls
- Dance of the Boys
- Lullaby
- Choosing the Bride
- Dance of the Comrades
- Gayane's Adagio
하차투리안: 스파르타쿠스 - 모음곡 
KHACHATURIAN: Spartacus - Suite

Andre Anichanov (conductor)
St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 1994/11~12 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. Petersburg Radio

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2007/11/5 ra***님 입력]

[8.554054] - Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia
- Dance of a Greek Slave
- Adgio of Aegina and Harmodius
- Variation of Aegina and Bacchanalia
- Scene & Dance with Crotala
- Dance of the Gaditanae Victory of Spartacus
- Dance of an Egyptian Girl
하차투리안: 가면무도회 모음곡 
KHACHATURIAN: Masquerade Suite

Andre Anichanov (conductor)
St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 1993/12~1994/01 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. Petersburg Radio

[2007/11/5 ra***님 입력]

[8.554054] - Waltz
- Nocturne
- Mazurka
- Romance
- Gallop
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