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내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
피터 스컬토프: 섬의 노래 (2012) 
SCULTHORPE, Peter: Island songs : for saxophone, strings and percussion (2012)

Amy Dickson (saxophone)

Benjamin Northey (conductor)
Sydney Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 2013/11/29-30 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Eugene Goossens Hall of the Australian Broadcasting

[2024/2/21 kh***님 입력]
브레트 딘: 플룻과 현악합주를 위한 '시두리 댄스' (2007) 
Dean, Brett: The Siduri Dances for flute and string orchestra

Amy Dickson (saxophone)

Benjamin Northey (conductor)
Sydney Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 2013/11/29-30 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Eugene Goossens Hall of the Australian Broadcasting

[2024/2/21 kh***님 입력]
로스 에드워즈: 풀 문 댄스 - 색소폰 협주곡 (2011)  
EDWARDS, Ross: Full Moon Dances - Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra (2011)

Amy Dickson (saxophone)

Miguel Harth-Bedoya (conductor)
Sydney Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 2012/10/5,6,8 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House

[2024/2/21 kh***님 입력]
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