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[1 CD] ACD22300

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
퍼셀: "요정 여왕" Z. 629 
PURCELL: The Fairy Queen Z. 629

Daniel Taylor: counter tenor

Matthias Maute, Sophie Lariviere: recorders
Nigel North: lute

 녹음: 2003/03/03~05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Eglise Saint-Augustin de Mirabel, Quebec

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2016/2/3 ne***님 입력]

[ACD22300] One charming night
퍼셀: 극음악 '암피트리온, 혹은 두 명의 소시아'에서의 모음곡 
PURCELL: Suite from Incidental Music "Amphitryon, or the Two Sosias", Z. 572

Adrian Butterfield, Helene Ploutte: violins
Margaret Little: viola
Susie Napper: violoncelle
Christopher Jackson: harpsichord
Nigel North: lute

 녹음: 2003/03/03~05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Eglise Saint-Augustin de Mirabel, Quebec

[2016/2/3 ne***님 입력]
퍼셀: 오라, 너희 예술의 아들들 Z. 323 
PURCELL: Come, Ye Sons of Arts Z. 323

Daniel Taylor: counter-tenor

Susie Napper: violoncelle
Matthias Maute, Sophie Lariviere: recorders
Nigel North: lute

 녹음: 2003/03/03~05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Eglise Saint-Augustin de Mirabel, Quebec

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2016/2/3 ne***님 입력]

[ACD22300] Strike the viol
퍼셀: 잃은 것은 나의 침묵, Z. 502 
PURCELL: Lost is my quiet, Z. 502

Nancy Argenta: soprano
Daniel Taylor: counter-tenor

Nigel North: lute

 녹음: 2003/03/03~05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Eglise Saint-Augustin de Mirabel, Quebec

[2016/2/3 ne***님 입력]
퍼셀: 정숙한 아내 
PURCELL: The Virtuous Wife

Adrian Butterfield, Helene Plouffe: violins
Margaret Little: viola
Susie Napper: cello
Christopher Jackson: harpsichord
Nigel North: lute

 녹음: 2003/03/03~05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Eglise Saint-Augustin de Mirabel, Quebec

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2016/2/3 ne***님 입력]

[ACD22300] Suite. Z. 611

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