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[1 CD] ALPHA093

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C. P. E. 바흐: 플루트 협주곡 G장조 Wq. 169 (H. 445) 
BACH, C. P. E.: Flute Concerto in G major Wq. 169 (H. 445)

Alexis Kossenko (traverso flute)

Alexis Kossenko (conductor)
Arte dei Suonatori

 녹음: 2005 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Catholic Univ. Seminary of Guscikowo-Paradyz,

[2015/10/13 da***님 입력]
C. P. E. 바흐: 플루트 협주곡 B flat 장조 Wq 167 
BACH, C. P. E.: Flute Concerto B flat Major Wq 167

Alexis Kossenko (traverso flute)

Alexis Kossenko (conductor)
Arte dei Suonatori

 녹음: 2005 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Catholic Univ. Seminary of Guscikowo-Paradyz,

[2015/10/13 da***님 입력]
C. P. E. 바흐: 바순 협주곡 D 단조, Wq 22 
BACH, C. P. E.: Concerto for Bassoon in D minor, Wq 22

Alexis Kossenko (traverso flute)

Alexis Kossenko (conductor)
Arte dei Suonatori

 녹음: 2005 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Catholic Univ. Seminary of Guscikowo-Paradyz,

[2015/10/13 da***님 입력]
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