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[1 CD] BIS-CD-1535

내 음반WishList
아리오스티: 비올라 다모레를 위한 1과, 내림 마 장조 
ARIOSTI, Attilio Malachia: Lezione I in E flat major

Thomas Georgi: viola d'amore
Lucas Harris: theorbo, archlute & baroque guitar
Joelle Morton: viola da gamba & great bass viol

 녹음: 2005/5 Stereo, Digital
장소: Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

[2011/5/7 ne***님 입력]
아리오스티: 비올라 다모레를 위한 2과, 가장조 
ARIOSTI, Attilio Malachia: Lezione II in A major

Thomas Georgi: viola d'amore
Lucas Harris: theorbo, archlute & baroque guitar
Joelle Morton: viola da gamba & great bass viol

 녹음: 2005/5 Stereo, Digital
장소: Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

[2011/5/7 ne***님 입력]
아리오스티: 비올라 다모레를 위한 3과, 마단조 
ARIOSTI, Attilio Malachia: Lezione III in E minor

Thomas Georgi: viola d'amore
Lucas Harris: theorbo, archlute & baroque guitar
Joelle Morton: viola da gamba & great bass viol

 녹음: 2005/5 Stereo, Digital
장소: Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

[2011/5/7 ne***님 입력]
아리오스티: 비올라 다모레를 위한 4과, 바장조 
ARIOSTI, Attilio Malachia: Lezione IV in F major

Thomas Georgi: viola d'amore
Lucas Harris: theorbo, archlute & baroque guitar
Joelle Morton: viola da gamba & great bass viol

 녹음: 2005/5 Stereo, Digital
장소: Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

[2011/5/7 ne***님 입력]
아리오스티: 비올라 다모레를 위한 5과, 마단조 
ARIOSTI, Attilio Malachia: Lezione V in E minor

Thomas Georgi: viola d'amore
Lucas Harris: theorbo, archlute & baroque guitar
Joelle Morton: viola da gamba & great bass viol

 녹음: 2005/5 Stereo, Digital
장소: Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

[2011/5/7 ne***님 입력]
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