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[1 CD] CCS3692

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소장한 회원: 2명
보케리니: 현악 5중주 F장조 op. 39-2 G. 338 
BOCCHERINI: String Quintet in F major op. 39-2 G. 338

Boccherini Quartet
Anner Bijlsma, cello

 녹음: 1990/06/06&12/04 Stereo, Digital
장소: Protestant Church Renswoude, the Netherlands

[2010/4/30 rh***님 입력]
보케리니: 현악5중주 E flat 장조 op.27 No.4 (G. 304) 
BOCCHERINI: Quintettino for two violins, viola and two violoncellos op.27 No.4 (Gerard 304) in E flat major

Boccherini Quartet
Anner Bijlsma, cello

 녹음: 1990/06/06&12/04 Stereo, Digital
장소: Protestant Church Renswoude, the Netherlands

[2010/4/30 rh***님 입력]
보케리니: 현악 4중주 A장조 op. 39 G. 213 
BOCCHERINI: String Quartet in A major op. 39 G. 213

Boccherini Quartet
Anner Bijlsma, cello

 녹음: 1990/06/06&12/04 Stereo, Digital
장소: Protestant Church Renswoude, the Netherlands

[2010/4/30 rh***님 입력]
보케리니: 현악 3중주 C 단조 op.14 No.2 G.96 
BOCCHERINI: Trio for violin, viola and violoncello op.14 No.2 (G96) in c minor

Boccherini Quartet
Anner Bijlsma, cello

 녹음: 1990/06/06&12/04 Stereo, Digital
장소: Protestant Church Renswoude, the Netherlands

[2010/4/30 rh***님 입력]
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