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[1 CD] CD831

내 음반WishList
로사: 첼로와 피아노를 위한 2중주 op. 8 (1931) 
ROZSA: Duo for cello and piano, op. 8 (1931)

Roger Malitz (Vlc.)
Mitchell Andrews (Pf.)

 녹음: 1998/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Rolston Recital Hall, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada

[2013/9/11 da***님 입력]
카사도: 첼로 소나타 a단조 (1925) 
CASSADO, Gaspar: Sonata para violonchelo y piano en La menor (1925)

Roger Malitz (Vlc.)
Mitchell Andrews (Pf.)

 녹음: 1998/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Rolston Recital Hall, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada

[2013/9/11 da***님 입력]
블로흐: 유태인의 삶에서 - 첼로와 피아노를 위한 3개의 소품 
BLOCH: From Jewish Life - 3 Pieces for Cello and Piano

Roger Malitz (Vlc.)
Mitchell Andrews (Pf.)

 녹음: 1998/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Rolston Recital Hall, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada

[2013/9/11 da***님 입력]
블로흐: 첼로와 피아노를 위한 "히브리 명상" (1924) 
BLOCH: Méditation Hébraïque für Cello und Klavier (1924)

Roger Malitz (Vlc.)
Mitchell Andrews (Pf.)

 녹음: 1998/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Rolston Recital Hall, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada

[2013/9/11 da***님 입력]
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