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[1 CD] GP810

내 음반WishList
발라키레프: 스케르초 1번 B단조 
BALAKIREV: Scherzo for Piano no 1 in B minor

Nicholas Walker (piano)

 녹음: 2017/12/11-14 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London

[2019/9/28 mo***님 입력]
발라키레프: 노벨레테 A장조 
BALAKIREV: Novelette for Piano in A major

Nicholas Walker (piano)

 녹음: 2017/12/11-14 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London

[2019/9/28 mo***님 입력]
발라키레프: 스케르초 2번 B flat단조 
BALAKIREV: Scherzo No. 2 in B flat minor

Nicholas Walker (piano)

 녹음: 2017/12/11-14 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London

[2019/9/28 mo***님 입력]
발라키레프: 판당고 연습곡 
BALAKIREV: Fandango-Étude

Nicholas Walker (piano)

 녹음: 2017/12/11-14 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London

[2019/9/28 mo***님 입력]
발라키레프: 스페인풍의 세레나데 B flat 단조 
BALAKIREV: Spanish serenade in B Flat minor

Nicholas Walker (piano)

 녹음: 2017/12/11-14 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London

[2019/9/28 mo***님 입력]
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