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[27 CD] HMX2908631.57

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 6명
바흐: 마니피카트 BWV 243 
BACH: Magnificat BWV 243

Barbara Schlick, Agnes Mellon (Sopranos), Gerard Lense (Alto), Howard Crook (Tenor), Peter Kooy (Bass)

Philippe Herreweghe (conductor)
Le Chapelle Royale, Collegium Vocale

 녹음: 1990/01 Stereo, Digital
장소: N/A

[2012/2/5 ne***님 입력]
바흐: 마태 수난곡 BWV 244 
BACH: Matthäus-Passion BWV 244

Ian Bostridge
Franz-Josef Selig
Sibylla Rubens
Andreas Scholl
Werner Gura
Dietrich Henschel
Frits Vanhulle
Dominik Worner
Elisabeth Hermans
Susan Hamilton

Philippe Herreweghe (conductor)
Choir and Orchestra of Collegium Vocale

 녹음: 1998 Stereo, Digital
장소: dans la Grande Salle de l'Arsenal de Metz

[2012/2/5 ne***님 입력]

바흐: 모테트 BWV 225 
BACH: Motet BWV 225 "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied"

Agnes Mellon, Greta de Reyghere : sopranos
Vincent Darras : contre-tenor
Howard Crook : tenor
Peter Kooy : basse

Philippe HERREWEGHE (conductor)
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Vocale

 녹음: 1985/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Gent

[2012/2/5 ne***님 입력]

바흐: 모테트 BWV 226 
BACH: Motet BWV 226 "Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf"

Agnes Mellon, Greta de Reyghere : sopranos
Vincent Darras : contre-tenor
Howard Crook : tenor
Peter Kooy : basse

Philippe HERREWEGHE (conductor)
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Vocale

 녹음: 1985/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Gent

[2012/2/5 ne***님 입력]
바흐: 모테트 BWV 227 
BACH: Motet BWV 227 "Jesu, meine Freude"

Agnes Mellon, Greta de Reyghere : sopranos
Vincent Darras : contre-tenor
Howard Crook : tenor
Peter Kooy : basse

Philippe HERREWEGHE (conductor)
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Vocale

 녹음: 1985/11 Stereo, Digital
장소: Gent

[2012/2/5 ne***님 입력]

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