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[3 CD] SH100

내 음반WishList
스탠포드: 바이올린 소나타 1번 D장조, op.11 
Stanford, Charles Villiers: Sonata for Violin and Piano no 1 in D major, Op. 11

Alberto Bologni (Vln.)
Christopher Howell (Pf.)

 녹음: 2013/06/24~25, 07/22~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio ‘L’Eremo’, Lessona, Italia

[2014/1/16 da***님 입력]
스탠포드: 바이올린과 피아노를 위한 3곡의 간주곡 op. 13 (1879) 
Stanford, Charles Villiers: 3 Intermezzi for violin and piano, op. 13 (1879)

Alberto Bologni (Vln.)
Christopher Howell (Pf.)

 녹음: 2013/06/24~25, 07/22~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio ‘L’Eremo’, Lessona, Italia

[2014/1/16 da***님 입력]
스탠포드: 전설 (1893년경) 
Stanford, Charles Villiers: Legend (c. 1893)

Alberto Bologni (Vln.)
Christopher Howell (Pf.)

 녹음: 2013/06/24~25, 07/22~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio ‘L’Eremo’, Lessona, Italia

[2014/1/16 da***님 입력]
스탠포드: 낱장 소품 (1899년경) 
Stanford, Charles Villiers: Album Leaf (c. 1899)

Alberto Bologni (Vln.)
Christopher Howell (Pf.)

 녹음: 2013/06/24~25, 07/22~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio ‘L’Eremo’, Lessona, Italia

[2014/1/16 da***님 입력]
스탠포드: 6곡의 아일랜드 춤곡 (1922-23년경) 
Stanford, Charles Villiers: 6 Irish Dances, selected and arranged for violin and piano (c. 1922/23)

Alberto Bologni (Vln.)
Christopher Howell (Pf.)

 녹음: 2013/06/24~25, 07/22~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio ‘L’Eremo’, Lessona, Italia

[2014/1/16 da***님 입력]

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