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[1 CD] SRCD306

내 음반WishList
해리슨 버트위슬: 슬픔의 땅(1972) 
BIRTWISTLE, Harrison: The Fields of Sorrow

Jane Manning(soprano)

David Atherton (conductor)
London Sinfonietta

 녹음: 1973 Stereo, Analog
장소: Kingsway Hall, London

[2008/12/13 78***님 입력]

[SRCD306] for 2 sopranos, chorus and 16 players
해리슨 버트위슬: 앙상블을 위한 시(1969) 
BIRTWISTLE, Harrison: Verses for Ensembles for 5 woodwind, 5 brass and 3 percussion

David Atherton (conductor)
London Sinfonietta

 녹음: 1973 Stereo, Analog
장소: Kingsway Hall, London

[2008/12/13 78***님 입력]
해리슨 버트위슬: 네니아: 오르페우스의 죽음 (1970) 
BIRTWISTLE, Harrison: Nenia: The Death of Orpheus (1970)

Jane Manning(soprano)

The Matrix

 녹음: 1973 Stereo, Analog
장소: Kingsway Hall, London

[2008/12/13 78***님 입력]

[SRCD306] (Text by Peter Zinovieff)
A 'dramatic scene' for soprano, 3 bass clarinets, clarinet, piano, prepared piano and crotales

directed by Alan Hacker
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