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[1 CD] 077775932423

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
퍼셀: 고독이여 Z.406 
PURCELL: Oh solitude Z.406

Nancy Argenta

Nigel North (archlute, baroque guitar), Richard Boothby (viola da gamba), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord, chamber organ)

 녹음: 1992/10 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2018/12/24 li***님 입력]
퍼셀: 아! 사랑한다는게 얼마나 달콤한지 
PURCELL: Ah! how sweet it is to love

Nancy Argenta

Nigel North (archlute, baroque guitar), Richard Boothby (viola da gamba), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord, chamber organ)

 녹음: 1992/10 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2018/12/24 li***님 입력]
퍼셀: 내 모든 고통도 Z. 400 
PURCELL: Not All My Torments Z. 400

Nancy Argenta

Nigel North (archlute, baroque guitar), Richard Boothby (viola da gamba), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord, chamber organ)

 녹음: 1992/10 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2018/12/24 li***님 입력]
퍼셀: Stripp'd of their green 
PURCELL: Stripp'd of their green

Nancy Argenta

Nigel North (archlute, baroque guitar), Richard Boothby (viola da gamba), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord, chamber organ)

 녹음: 1992/10 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2018/12/24 li***님 입력]
퍼셀: 천사여, 빨리 내게 동정의 말을 해주시오, Z 196  
PURCELL: Tell me some pitying angel, quickly say (The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation), Z 196

Nancy Argenta

Nigel North (archlute, baroque guitar), Richard Boothby (viola da gamba), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord, chamber organ)

 녹음: 1992/10 Stereo, Digital
장소: Studio 1, Abbey Road, London

[2018/12/24 li***님 입력]

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