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[1 CD] 094635964523

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소장한 회원: 1명
베토벤: 첼로 소나타 3번 A장조 op. 69 
BEETHOVEN: Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major op. 69

Richard Harwood, cello
Christoph Berner, piano

 녹음: 2006/02/25-28 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk

[2011/9/13 rh***님 입력]
글라주노프: 음유시인의 노래 op. 71 
GLAZUNOV: Chant du ménestrel (Minstrel Song) op. 71

Richard Harwood, cello
Christoph Berner, piano

 녹음: 2006/02/25-28 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk

[2011/9/13 rh***님 입력]
안톤 루빈시테인: 멜로디 F장조 op. 3-1 
RUBINSTEIN, Anton: Melodie in F major op. 3-1

Richard Harwood, cello
Christoph Berner, piano

 녹음: 2006/02/25-28 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk

[2011/9/13 rh***님 입력]
오펜바흐: 재클린의 눈물 
OFFENBACH: Les larmes du Jacqueline

Richard Harwood, cello
Christoph Berner, piano

 녹음: 2006/02/25-28 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk

[2011/9/13 rh***님 입력]
포퍼: 요정들의 춤 op. 39 
POPPER, David: Elfentanz (Dance of the Elves) op. 39

Richard Harwood, cello
Christoph Berner, piano

 녹음: 2006/02/25-28 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk

[2011/9/13 rh***님 입력]
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