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[5 CD] 0954052

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
델리우스: 일몰의 노래 
DELIUS: Song of Sunset

Dame Janet Baker: mezzo-soprano
John Shirley-Quirk: baritone

Sir Charles Groves (conductor)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Liverpool Philharmonic Choir

 녹음: 1968/06/25~27 Stereo, Analog
장소: the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool

[2016/3/19 ne***님 입력]
델리우스: 바리톤, 합창단과 관현악단을 위한 '아라베스크' 
DELIUS: An Arabesk, for baritone, chorus & orchestra

John Shirley-Quirk: baritone

Sir Charles Groves (conductor)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Liverpool Philharmonic Choir

 녹음: 1968/06/25~27 Stereo, Analog
장소: the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool

[2016/3/19 ne***님 입력]
델리우스: 인생의 미사 
DELIUS: A Mass of Life

Heather Harper (sop)
Helen Watts (contralto)
Robert Tear (tenor)
Benjamin Luxon (bar)

Sir Charles Groves (conductor)
London Philharmonic Choir
London Philharmonic Orchestra

 녹음: 1971/03/15-20 Stereo, Analog
장소: Kingsway Hall, London

[2016/3/19 ne***님 입력]
델리우스: 현악 4중주 (1916) 
DELIUS: String Quartet (1916)

Britten Quartet

 녹음: 1995/03/19~22 Stereo, Digital
장소: St George's, Brandon Hill, Bristol

[2016/3/19 ne***님 입력]
허버트 하웰스: 환상곡 풍의 현악 4중주 Op.25 
Howells, Herbert: Fantasy String Quartet Op.25

Britten Quartet

 녹음: 1995/03/19~22 Stereo, Digital
장소: St George's, Brandon Hill, Bristol

[2016/3/19 ne***님 입력]

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