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[1 CD] 202472

내 음반WishList
베토벤: 요제프 2세 장송 칸타타, WoO 87 
BEETHOVEN: Cantata on the Death of the Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87

Nadine Denize: soprano
James Doing: tenor
Robert Gierlach: baryton

Jean-Paul Penin (conductor)
Choeurs et Philharmonie Nationale de Cravovie

 녹음: 1992/12/19-22, 1993/2/5-9 Stereo, Digital
장소: Cracovie

[2013/3/27 ne***님 입력]
베토벤: 레오폴드2세 즉위에대한 칸타타WoO 88 
BEETHOVEN: Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II WoO 88

Nadine Denize: soprano
James Doing: tenor
Robert Gierlach: baryton

Jean-Paul Penin (conductor)
Choeurs et Philharmonie Nationale de Cravovie

 녹음: 1992/12/19-22, 1993/2/5-9 Stereo, Digital
장소: Cracovie

[2013/3/27 ne***님 입력]
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