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[1 Blu-ray Video] 2061084

화면비: 16:9
사운드: PCM Stereo

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스트라빈스키: 불새 
STRAVINSKY: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu)

Valery Gergiev (conductor)
Kirov Orchestra (Mariinsty Theater Orchestra)

 녹음: 1995/04 Surround, Digital
장소: Large Hall of St. Petersburg Philharmonic, St. Petersburg

[2015/3/3 go***님 입력]

[2061084] A Ballet choreographed by James Kudelka

Greta Hodgkinson (The Firebird)
Aleksandar Antonijevic (Prince Ivan)
Rebekah Rimsay (Princess Vasilisa)
Rex Harrington (Kastchei the Demon)

The National Ballet of Canada

Filmed in September 2002
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고객센터 | 게시판 | 1:1 쪽지
홈페이지 | 로그인 | PC 버전