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[1 CD] 3984-28069-2

내 음반WishList
콜린 모비: 아베 베룸 코르푸스 (1978) 
MAWBY, Colin: Ave verum corpus (1978)

James O'Donnell (conductor)
The Choir of Westminter Cathedral
City of London Sinfonia

 녹음: 1999/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Westminster Cathedral, London

[2012/12/29 da***님 입력]
윌리엄 매사이어스: 지혜의 교리 (1990) 
MATHIAS, William: Doctrine of Wisdom (1990)

Andrew Reid (organ)

James O'Donnell (conductor)
The Choir of Westminter Cathedral

 녹음: 1999/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Westminster Cathedral, London

[2012/12/29 da***님 입력]
록산나 파누프닉: 웨스트민스터 미사 (1997) 
PANUFNIK, Roxanna: Westminster Mass (1997)

James O'Donnell (conductor)
The Choir of Westminter Cathedral
City of London Sinfonia

 녹음: 1999/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Westminster Cathedral, London

[2012/12/29 da***님 입력]
에드먼드 루브라: 성 도미니쿠스를 기리는 미사 Op. 66 
RUBBRA, Edmund: Missa in Honorem Sancti Dominici for chorus a cappella, Op. 66

James O'Donnell (conductor)
The Choir of Westminter Cathedral

 녹음: 1999/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Westminster Cathedral, London

[2012/12/29 da***님 입력]
페르트: 축복 (1990) 
PÄRT: The Beatitudes (1990)

Andrew Reid (organ)

James O'Donnell (conductor)
The Choir of Westminter Cathedral

 녹음: 1999/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Westminster Cathedral, London

[2012/12/29 da***님 입력]
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