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[1 CD] 412628

내 음반WishList
비제: 4월의 노래 op. 21-1 
BIZET: Chanson d'avril op. 21-1

Elly Ameling: soprano

Rudolf Jansen: piano

 녹음: 1984/4 Stereo, Digital
장소: Utrecht, the Netherlands

[2009/7/3 ne***님 입력]
캉틀루브: 오베르뉴의 노래 
CANTELOUBE: Songs of the Auvergne

Elly Ameling: soprano

Rudolf Jansen: piano

 녹음: 1984/4 Stereo, Digital
장소: Utrecht, the Netherlands

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2009/7/3 ne***님 입력]

[412628] Volume 1 - no 2, Baïlèro
카플레: 슬리퍼 op.19 no.4 
Caplet, Andre: Chausson op.19 no.4

Elly Ameling: soprano

Rudolf Jansen: piano

 녹음: 1984/4 Stereo, Digital
장소: Utrecht, the Netherlands

[2009/7/3 ne***님 입력]
카플레: 까치발과 여우 
Caplet, Andre: Le corbeau et de Renard

Elly Ameling: soprano

Rudolf Jansen: piano

 녹음: 1984/4 Stereo, Digital
장소: Utrecht, the Netherlands

[2009/7/3 ne***님 입력]
드뷔시: 만돌린 L. 29 
DEBUSSY: Mandoline L. 29

Elly Ameling: soprano

Rudolf Jansen: piano

 녹음: 1984/4 Stereo, Digital
장소: Utrecht, the Netherlands

[2009/7/3 ne***님 입력]

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