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[2 CD] 425886-2

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 4명
라모: 첫번째 쳄발로 모음곡집 
RAMEAU: Premier Livre de Pieces de clavecin

Christophe Rousset

 녹음: 1989/6 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint-Hippolyte, Castres, France

[2005/5/21 ne***님 입력]
라모: 황태자 
RAMEAU: La Dauphine

Christophe Rousset

 녹음: 1989/6 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint-Hippolyte, Castres, France

[2005/5/21 ne***님 입력]
라모: 운지법이 있는 쳄발로 모음곡집 
RAMEAU: Pièces de Clavecin avec une méthode sur la mécanique des Doigts

Christophe Rousset

 녹음: 1989/6 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint-Hippolyte, Castres, France

[2005/5/21 ne***님 입력]
라모: 새로운 쳄발로 모음곡집 
RAMEAU: Nouvelles suites de pieces de clavecin

Christophe Rousset

 녹음: 1989/6 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint-Hippolyte, Castres, France

[2005/5/21 ne***님 입력]
라모: 작은 망치 
RAMEAU: Les petits marteaux

Christophe Rousset

 녹음: 1989/6 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint-Hippolyte, Castres, France

[2005/5/21 ne***님 입력]
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