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[1 CD] 436992-2

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 6명
퍼셀: "디도와 에네아스" Z. 626 
PURCELL: Dido and Aeneas Z. 626

Catherine Bott (Dido)
John Mark Ainsley (Aeneas)
Emma Kirkby (Belinda)
David Thomas (Sorceress)
Michael Chance (Spirit)
Julianne Baird (Second Woman)
Elisabeth Priday (First Witch)
Sara Stowe (Second Witch)
Daniel Lochmann (First Saior)

Christopher Hogwood (conductor)
The Acadamy of Ancient Music
Chorus of the Academy of Ancient Music

 녹음: 1992/09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London

[2003/9/10 ck***님 입력]
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홈페이지 | 로그인 | PC 버전