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[1 CD] 437521-2

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 24명
그리그: 산 소녀 op.67 
GRIEG: The Mountain Maid op.67

Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo soprano)

Bengt Forsberg (piano)

 녹음: 1992/3 Stereo, Digital
장소: Kgl. Misikaliska Akademiens stora sal, Stockholm

[2003/8/12 jw***님 입력]

[437521-2] (Song Cycle by Arne Garborg)
2.The Little Maiden
3.Blueberry Slope
4.The Encounter
6.Kid's Dance
7.Sorrowful Day
8.At Gjaetle Brook
그리그: 6개의 노래 op. 48 
GRIEG: 6 Songs op. 48

Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo soprano)

Bengt Forsberg (piano)

 녹음: 1992/3 Stereo, Digital
장소: Kgl. Misikaliska Akademiens stora sal, Stockholm

[2003/8/12 jw***님 입력]

[437521-2] 1.Greeting (Heinrich Heine)
2.One day, my thought (Emanuel Geibel)
3.The Way of the World (Ludwig Uhland)
4.The Secretive Nightingale (after Walther von der Vogelweide)
5.The Time of Roses (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
6.A dream (Friedrich von Bodenstedt)
그리그: 백조 op. 25-2 
GRIEG: En Svane op. 25-2

Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo soprano)

Bengt Forsberg (piano)

 녹음: 1992/3 Stereo, Digital
장소: Kgl. Misikaliska Akademiens stora sal, Stockholm

[2003/8/12 jw***님 입력]
그리그: 수련과 함께 op. 25-44 
GRIEG: "With a Waterlily" from 6 Poems by Ibsen op. 25-4

Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo soprano)

Bengt Forsberg (piano)

 녹음: 1992/3 Stereo, Digital
장소: Kgl. Misikaliska Akademiens stora sal, Stockholm

[2003/8/12 jw***님 입력]
그리그: 희망 op. 26-1 
GRIEG: Et Håb op. 26-1

Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo soprano)

Bengt Forsberg (piano)

 녹음: 1992/3 Stereo, Digital
장소: Kgl. Misikaliska Akademiens stora sal, Stockholm

[2003/8/12 jw***님 입력]

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