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[4 CD] 454890-2

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소장한 회원: 2명
팔레스트리나: 미사 축복 
PALESTRINA: Missa Benedicta es

Peter Phillips (conductor)
The Tallis Scholars

 녹음: 1981 Surround, Digital
장소: Merton College Chapel, Oxford

[2012/12/25 rh***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 미사 "교황 마르첼리" 
PALESTRINA: Missa "Papae Marcelli"

Peter Phillips (conductor)
The Tallis Scholars

 녹음: 1980 Stereo, Analog
장소: Merton College Chapel, Oxford

[2012/12/25 rh***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 미사 '나는 비록 검지만' 
PALESTRINA: Missa Nigra sum

Peter Phillips (conductor)
The Tallis Scholars

 녹음: 1983 Stereo, Analog
장소: Merton college chapel, Oxford

[2012/12/25 rh***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 미사 '짧은 미사' 
PALESTRINA: Missa Brevis

Peter Phillips (conductor)
The Tallis Scholars

 녹음: 1986 Stereo, Digital
장소: Merton College Chapel, Oxford

[2012/12/25 rh***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 미사 '성모승천' 
PALESTRINA: Missa 'Assumpta est Maria'

Peter Phillips (conductor)
The Tallis Scholars

 녹음: 1989 Stereo, Digital
장소: Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Salle, Norfolk, England

[2012/12/25 rh***님 입력]
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