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[2 CD] 4602082

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 8명
바레즈: 조율 
VARESE: Tuning Up

Riccardo Chailly (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 1998/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, Amsterdam

[2005/9/9 sc***님 입력]

[4602082] Tuning Up (1947, reconstructed and edited by Chou Wen-chung 1998, jointly commissioned by RCOA, Casa Ricordi and The Decca Record Compony Limited)-----[5:00]
바레즈: 아메리카 
VARESE: Amériques

Riccardo Chailly (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 1996/12/13 Surround, Digital
장소: Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam (Live)

[2005/9/9 sc***님 입력]

[4602082] Amerique (original version of 1918-21 : perfoming edition from the original manuscript by Chou Wen-chung 1998)-----[24:38]
바레즈: 아르카나 
VARESE: Arcana - for orchestra

Riccardo Chailly (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 1992/04 Stereo, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, Amsterdam

[2005/9/9 sc***님 입력]

[4602082] Arcanum (pl. -na) occult(秘典)신비
Arcana (1925-27)-----[18:22]
바레즈: 야상곡 
VARESE: Nocturnal

Sarah Leonard (soprano)

Riccardo Chailly (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Men of the Prague Philharmonic Choir

 녹음: 1996/12 Stereo, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, Amsterdam

[2005/9/9 sc***님 입력]

[4602082] Noctural (1961, phrases from "The House of Incest (근친상간의 집)" by Anais Nin (1903-1977), phonetic syllables by Varese,
edited and completed by Chou Wen-chung)-----[10:25]
바레즈: 커다란 검은 잠(睡) 
VARESE: Un grand sommeil noir

Mireille Delunsch (soprano)

Riccardo Chailly (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 1998/05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, Amsterdam

[2005/9/9 sc***님 입력]

[4602082] Un grand sommeil noir (1906, sur poeme de Paul Verlaine (1844-1896), Orchestration by Beaumont, commissioned by Riccardo Chailly and RCOA)-----[4:08]

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