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[1 CD] 466373-2

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 26명
알레그리: 미제레레 
ALLEGRI: Miserere Mei

David Willcocks (conductor)
The Choir King's College Cambridge

 녹음: 1963/3 Stereo, Analog
장소: The Chapel of King's College

[2003/11/19 ac***님 입력]

[466373-2] Palestrina의 "Stabat Mater", "Hodie beata Virgo Maria", "Senex puerum portabat", "Magnificat", "Litaniae de Beata Virgine Maria" 수록.
팔레스트리나: 스타바트 마테르 
PALESTRINA: Stabat Mater

Sir David Willcocks (conductor)
The Choir of King's College

 녹음: 1963/08 Stereo, Analog
장소: The Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, England

[2011/3/16 pp***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 오늘은 축복받은 성모 마리아 
PALESTRINA: Hodie beata Virgo Maria

Sir David Willcocks (conductor)
The Choir of King's College

 녹음: 1963/08 Stereo, Analog
장소: The Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, England

[2011/3/16 pp***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 노인이 아이를 팔에 안고 
PALESTRINA: Senex Puerum Portabat

Sir David Willcocks (conductor)
The Choir of King's College

 녹음: 1963/08 Stereo, Analog
장소: The Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, England

[2011/3/16 pp***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 마니피카트 
PALESTRINA: Magnificat

Sir David Willcocks (conductor)
The Choir of King's College

 녹음: 1963/08 Stereo, Analog
장소: The Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, England

[2011/3/16 pp***님 입력]
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