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[10 CD] 600510

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
전래곡: 더 민스트럴 보이 
Traditional: The Minstrel Boy

Christopher Lynch (tenor)

John Wummer (flute), Laura Newell (harp), Leonard Rose (cello)

 녹음: 1947/10/24 Mono
장소: Leiderkranz Hall, New York

[2022/7/8 kp***님 입력]
전래곡: 감자들이 자라던 정원 
Traditional: The Garden Where the Praties Grow

Christopher Lynch (tenor)

John Wummer (flute), Laura Newell (harp), Leonard Rose (cello)

 녹음: 1947/10/21 Mono
장소: Leiderkranz Hall, New York

[2022/7/8 kp***님 입력]
찰스 W. 글로버: 트랄리의 장미 
Glover, charles w.: The Rose of Tralee

Christopher Lynch Tenor

John Wummer Flute
Laura Newell Harp
Leonard Rose Cello

 녹음: 1947 Mono
장소: unknown

[2022/7/8 kp***님 입력]

[600510] arr. Normand Lockwood
전래곡: 팔라틴의 딸 
Traditional: The Palatine's Daughter

Christopher Lynch Tenor

John Wummer Flute
Laura Newell Harp
Leonard Rose Cello

 녹음: 1947 Mono
장소: unknown

[2022/7/8 kp***님 입력]

[600510] arr. Normand Lockwood
어니스트 R. 볼: 천국의 작은 조각 
Ball, r. ernest: A Little Bit of Heaven

Christopher Lynch Tenor

John Wummer Flute
Laura Newell Harp
Leonard Rose Cello

 녹음: 1947 Mono
장소: unknown

[2022/7/8 kp***님 입력]

[600510] arr. Normand Lockwood

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