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[1 Blu-ray Video] 717004

화면비: 16:9
사운드: PCM Stereo DTS-HD Master Audio

내 음반WishList
거슈윈: 쿠바 서곡 
GERSHWIN: Cuban Overture

Sir Simon Rattle (conductor)
National Children's Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela

 녹음: 2013/08/10-11 Surround, Digital
장소: Felsenreitschule, Salzburg

[2014/7/1 ma***님 입력]
히나스테라: 대목장 op. 8 
GINASTERA: Estancia op. 8

Jesus Parra (conductor)
National Children's Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela

 녹음: 2013/08/10-11 Surround, Digital
장소: Felsenreitschule, Salzburg

[2014/7/1 ma***님 입력]
말러: 교향곡 01번 D장조 "거인" 
MAHLER: Symphony No. 1 in D major "Titan"

Sir Simon Rattle (conductor)
National Children's Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela

 녹음: 2013/08/10-11 Surround, Digital
장소: Felsenreitschule, Salzburg

[2014/7/1 ma***님 입력]
레너드 번스타인: 웨스트사이드 스토리 - 교향적 무곡 
BERNSTEIN, Leonard: Symphonic Dances from West Side Story

Sir Simon Rattle (conductor)
National Children's Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela

 녹음: 2013/08/10-11 Surround, Digital
장소: Felsenreitschule, Salzburg

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2014/7/1 ma***님 입력]
J. 슈트라우스 I: 라데츠키 행진곡 op. 228 
STRAUSS, J. I: Radetzky-Marsch op. 228

Jesus Parra (conductor)
National Children's Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela

 녹음: 2013/08/10-11 Surround, Digital
장소: Felsenreitschule, Salzburg

[2014/7/1 ma***님 입력]
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