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[3 CD] 724356677029

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 6명
글루크: "알체스테" 서곡 
GLUCK: Alceste - Overture

Wilhelm Furtwangler (conductor)
Wiener Philharmoniker

 녹음: 1954/03/08 Mono
장소: Musikverein, Wien

[2006/4/3 go***님 입력]

[724356677029] Remasterd at Abbey Road Studios to 24 bit and noise-shaped via the Prism SNS system for optimum sound quality (ART) by Andrew Walter
모차르트: 교향곡 40번 G단조 KV 550 
MOZART: Symphony No. 40 in G minor KV 550

Wilhelm Furtwangler (conductor)
Wiener Philharmoniker

 녹음: 1948/12/7,8 Mono
장소: Musikvereinsaal, Wien

[2006/4/3 go***님 입력]

모차르트: "마술피리" KV 620 
MOZART: Die Zauberflöte KV 620

Wilma Lipp (soprano)

Wilhelm Furtwangler (conductor)
Wiener Philharmoniker

 녹음: 1950/02/03 Mono
장소: Brahmssaal, Wien

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2006/4/3 go***님 입력]

[724356677029] Remasterd at Abbey Road Studios to 24 bit and noise-shaped via the Prism SNS system for optimum sound quality (ART) by Andrew Walter
글루크: "아울리스의 이피게니아" 서곡 
GLUCK: Iphigenie en Aulide - Overture

Wilhelm Furtwangler (conductor)
Wiener Philharmoniker

 녹음: 1954/03/08 Mono
장소: Musikverein, Wien

[2006/4/3 go***님 입력]

[724356677029] Remasterd at Abbey Road Studios to 24 bit and noise-shaped via the Prism SNS system for optimum sound quality (ART) by Andrew Walter
하이든: 교향곡 94번 G장조 "놀람" 
HAYDN: Symphony No. 94 in G major "Surprise"

Wilhelm Furtwangler (conductor)
Wiener Philharmoniker

 녹음: 1951/01/11, 12, 17 Mono
장소: Musikverein, Wien

[2006/4/3 go***님 입력]

[724356677029] Remasterd at Abbey Road Studios to 24 bit and noise-shaped via the Prism SNS system for optimum sound quality (ART) by Andrew Walter

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