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[1 CD] 8.110316

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소장한 회원: 1명
베를리오즈: 이탈리아의 해롤드 op. 16 
BERLIOZ: Harold en Italie op. 16

William Primrose

Serge Koussevitzky (conductor)
Boston Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 1944/11/28 Mono
장소: Symphony Hall, Boston

[2005/7/31 ne***님 입력]
윌리엄 월턴: 비올라 협주곡 
WALTON, William: Viola Concerto

William Primrose

William Walton (conductor)
Philharmonia Orchestra

 녹음: 1946/7/22-23 Mono
장소: EMI Abbey Road Studio No.1, London

[2005/7/31 ne***님 입력]
앙리 카자드쉬: 핸델 풍의 비올라 협주곡 
CASADESUS, Henri: Viola Concerto in B minor in the style of Handel

William Primrose

Frieder Weissmann (conductor)
RCA VIctor Orchestra

 녹음: 1946/5/8 Mono
장소: New York

[2005/7/31 ne***님 입력]
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