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[1 CD] 8.557769

내 음반WishList
박스: 그 음유시인이 우리에게 말해준 것 (1919) 
BAX: What the Minstrel Told Us (1919)

Ashley Wass (Pf.)

 녹음: 2005/01/17~19 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk, England

[2012/12/14 da***님 입력]
박스: 어느 산의 분위기 (1915) 
BAX: A Mountain Mood (1915)

Ashley Wass (Pf.)

 녹음: 2005/01/17~19 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk, England

[2012/12/14 da***님 입력]
박스: 수선화를 든 소녀 (1915) 
BAX: The Maiden with the Daffodil (1915)

Ashley Wass (Pf.)

 녹음: 2005/01/17~19 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk, England

[2012/12/14 da***님 입력]
박스: 찬가 (1920) 
BAX: Paean (1920)

Ashley Wass (Pf.)

 녹음: 2005/01/17~19 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk, England

[2012/12/14 da***님 입력]
박스: 산의 기분 
BAX: A Hill Tune

Ashley Wass (Pf.)

 녹음: 2005/01/17~19 Stereo, Digital
장소: Potton Hall, Suffolk, England

[2012/12/14 da***님 입력]
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