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[3 CD] 8.660211-13

내 음반WishList
비발디: "그리셀다" RV 718 
VIVALDI: Griselda RV 718

Giles Tomkins (bass): Gualtiero, King of Tessaglia
Marion Newman (mezzo-soprano): Grisela, his wife
Carla Huhtanen (soprano): Princess of Tessaglia
Lynne McMurtry (mezzo-soprano): Roberto, Prince of Athenes
Jason Nedecky (baritone): Corrado, Roberto's brother
Colin Ainsworth (tenor): Ottone, Noble Knight of Tessaglia

Kevin Mallon (conductor)
Aradia Ensemble
Opera in Concert

 녹음: 2006/09/04~14 Stereo, Digital
장소: Grace Church on-the-Hill, Toronto

[2014/4/20 da***님 입력]
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