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[1 CD] 82876787612

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소장한 회원: 3명
프로코피예프: 로미오와 줄리엣 - 모음곡 1번 op. 64bis 
PROKOFIEV: Romeo and Juliet - Suite No. 1 op. 64bis

Dimitri Mitropoulos (conductor)
New York Philharmonic

 녹음: 1957/11/11 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. George Hotel, Brooklyn, New York

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2014/10/25 ma***님 입력]

[82876787612] 1. Folk Dance
5. Romeo and Mercutio Masked
6. Balcony Scene
7. Death of Tybalt
프로코피예프: 로미오와 줄리엣 - 모음곡 2번 op. 64ter 
PROKOFIEV: Romeo and Juliet - Suite No. 2 op. 64ter

Dimitri Mitropoulos (conductor)
New York Philharmonic

 녹음: 1957/11/11 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. George Hotel, Brooklyn, New York

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2014/10/25 ma***님 입력]

[82876787612] 1. The Montagues and the Capulets
2. Juliet - The Little Girl
3. Friar Laurence
5. Romeo and Juliet before Parting
7. Romeo at Juliet's Tomb
무소륵스키: 민둥산에서의 하룻밤 
MUSSORGSKY: Night on the Bare Mountain

Dimitri Mitropoulos (conductor)
New York Philharmonic

 녹음: 1957/11/11 Stereo, Analog
장소: St. George Hotel, Brooklyn, New York

[2014/10/25 ma***님 입력]
프로코피예프: 키이제 중위 - 교향적 모음곡 op. 60 
PROKOFIEV: Lieutenant Kije - Symphonic Suite op. 60

Dimitri Mitropoulos (conductor)
New York Philharmonic

 녹음: 1956/01/09 Mono
장소: Columbia 30th Street Studio, New York City

[2014/10/25 ma***님 입력]
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