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[1 CD] 8855

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소장한 회원: 1명
브리튼: 봄 교향곡 op. 44 
BRITTEN: Spring Symphony op. 44

Martyn Hill (Tenor)
Alfreda Hodgson (Contralto)
Elizabeth Gale (Soprano)

Richard Hickox, Michael Crabb (Director) (conductor)
London Symphony Chorus and Orchestra, Southend Boys' Choir

 녹음: 1990 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. Jude's Church,Central Square,London

[2004/12/13 kh***님 입력]
브리튼: 환영의 송가 Op. 95 (1976) 
BRITTEN: Welcome Ode, for young people's chorus & orchestra, Op. 95 (1976)

Richard Hickox
Maggie Donnelly
Anthony Gould
London Symphony Orchestra
Senior Choirs of the City of London School for Girls Choir
London School

 녹음: 1990 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. Jude's Church,Central Square,London

[2004/12/13 kh***님 입력]
브리튼: 시편 제150편 Op. 67 (1963) 
BRITTEN: Psalm 150, for children's chorus & instruments, Op. 67

Kurt-Hans Goedicke (Tympani)

Richard Hickox
Maggie Donnelly (conductor)
Junior Choirs of the City of London School for Girls Choir
London School for Girls Orchestra
London School for Boys

 녹음: 1990 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. Jude's Church,Central Square,London

[2004/12/13 kh***님 입력]
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