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[1 CD] 88697735092

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소장한 회원: 1명
미쉘 블라베: 플륫 협주곡 A 단조 
BLAVET, Michel: Concerto for flute and strings in A minor

Dorothee Oberlinger: recorder

Dorothee Oberlinger (conductor)
Ensemble 1700

 녹음: 2010/4/26-29 Stereo, Digital
장소: Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal, Cologne

[2011/4/29 ne***님 입력]
브와모르티에: 리코더, 베이스 비올과 콘티누오를 위한 트리오 가단조 op.37 no.5 
BOISMORTIER, Joseph Bodin de: Trio for recorder, bass viol and continuo in A minor op.37, no.5

Dorothee Oberlinger: recorder
Vittorio Ghielmi: bass viol

Dorothee Oberlinger (conductor)
Ensemble 1700

 녹음: 2010/4/26-29 Stereo, Digital
장소: Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal, Cologne

[2011/4/29 ne***님 입력]
셰드빌: 계절의 즐거움 
CHEDEVILLE, Nicolas: Les Saisons amusantes

Dorothee Oberlinger: recorder
Vittorio Ghielmi: bass viol

Dorothee Oberlinger (conductor)
Ensemble 1700

 녹음: 2010/4/26-29 Stereo, Digital
장소: Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal, Cologne

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2011/4/29 ne***님 입력]

[88697735092] Allegro from concerto no.1 "Le Printemps"
Largo/Allegro(La Caccia) from concerto no.2 "Les Plaisiers de l'Ete"
로베르 드 비세: 테오르보 솔로를 위한 전주곡 사장조 
DE VISEE, Robert: Prelude in G major for theorbo solo

Thomas Boysen: theorbo

 녹음: 2010/4/26-29 Stereo, Digital
장소: Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal, Cologne

[2011/4/29 ne***님 입력]
쿠프랭: 사랑에 빠진 나이팅게일 
COUPERIN: Le Rossignol en Amour

Thomas Boysen: theorbo

 녹음: 2010/4/26-29 Stereo, Digital
장소: Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal, Cologne

[2011/4/29 ne***님 입력]
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