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[8 CD] 9781602

내 음반WishList
브리튼: 레퀴엠 교향곡 op. 20 
BRITTEN: Sinfonia da Requiem op. 20

Libor Pesek (conductor)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

 녹음: 1989/1/11-12 Stereo, Digital
장소: Philharmonic Hall, Liverpooll

[2013/5/13 da***님 입력]
브리튼: 4개의 바다 간주곡 - "피터 그라임즈"에서 op. 33a 
BRITTEN: 4 Sea Interludes - from Peter Grimes op. 33a

Libor Pesek (conductor)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

 녹음: 1989/1/11-12 Stereo, Digital
장소: Philharmonic Hall, Liverpooll

[2013/5/13 da***님 입력]
브리튼: 청소년을 위한 관현악 입문 op. 34 
BRITTEN: The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra op. 34

Libor Pesek (conductor)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

 녹음: 1989/1/11-12 Stereo, Digital
장소: Philharmonic Hall, Liverpooll

[2013/5/13 da***님 입력]
브리튼: 캐나다의 사육제 
BRITTEN: Canadian Carnival

Wesley Warren (trumphet)

Simon Rattle (conductor)
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 1982/04/22,23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Cheltenham Town Hall, Birmingham

[2013/5/13 da***님 입력]
브리튼: 피아노 (왼손)과 오케스트라를 위한 유희 op. 21 
BRITTEN: Diversion for Piano (Left hand) and Orchestra op. 21

Peter Donohoe (Piano)

Simon Rattle (conductor)
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 1990/07/15-17 Stereo, Digital
장소: Butterworth Hall, Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick

[2013/5/13 da***님 입력]

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