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[1 CD] ALPHA250

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
퍼셀: "디도와 에네아스" Z. 626 
PURCELL: Dido and Aeneas Z. 626

Anna Prohaska (soprano)

Giovanni Antonini (conductor)
Il Giardino Armonico

 녹음: 2015/12/06-10 Stereo, Digital
장소: The National Forum of Music, Wroclaw

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2018/5/31 mo***님 입력]

[ALPHA250] Overture
Act I: Aria "Ah! Belinda, I Am Press'd with Torment"
Act II: Aria "Oft She Visits This Lone Mountain"
Act III: "Thy Hand, Belinda...When I Am Laid in Earth"
그라우프너: 카르타고의 여왕 디도 
GRAUPNER, Christoph: Dido, Königin von Karthago (1707)

Anna Prohaska (soprano)

Giovanni Antonini (conductor)
Il Giardino Armonico

 녹음: 2015/12/06-10 Stereo, Digital
장소: The National Forum of Music, Wroclaw

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2018/5/31 mo***님 입력]

[ALPHA250] Aria "Holdestes Lispeln der spielenden Fluthen"
Recitativo accompagnato "Der Himmel..."
Aria "Infido cupido"
Aria "Agitato da tempeste"
안토니오 사르토리오: 이집트의 줄리오 체사레 
SARTORIO, Antonio: Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1677)

Anna Prohaska (soprano)

Giovanni Antonini (conductor)
Il Giardino Armonico

 녹음: 2015/12/06-10 Stereo, Digital
장소: The National Forum of Music, Wroclaw

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2018/5/31 mo***님 입력]

[ALPHA250] Aria "Non voglio amar"
Aria "Quando voglio"
로크: 폭풍 
LOCKE, Matthew: The Tempest

Giovanni Antonini (conductor)
Il Giardino Armonico

 녹음: 2015/12/06-10 Stereo, Digital
장소: The National Forum of Music, Wroclaw

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2018/5/31 mo***님 입력]

[ALPHA250] The Second Musick: Lilk
The Second Musick: Curtain Tune
The First Musick: Galliard
다니엘레 다 카스트로빌라리: 클레오파트라 
CASTROVILLARI, Daniele da: La Cleopatra (1662)

Anna Prohaska (soprano)

Giovanni Antonini (conductor)
Il Giardino Armonico

 녹음: 2015/12/06-10 Stereo, Digital
장소: The National Forum of Music, Wroclaw

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2018/5/31 mo***님 입력]

[ALPHA250] Aria "A dio regni, a dio scettri"

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