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[1 CD] CD-27

내 음반WishList
쇼스타코비치: 축전 서곡 op. 96 
SHOSTAKOVICH: Festive overture op. 96

Lawrence Leighton Smith (conductor)
Moscow Philharmonic Ochestra

 녹음: 1986/08/09-18 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Large Hall, U.S.S.R. State TV and Radio, Moscow

[2007/5/1 go***님 입력]
글라주노프: 콘서트 왈츠 1번 D장조 op. 47 
GLAZUNOV: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major op. 47

Lawrence Leighton Smith (conductor)
Moscow Philharmonic Ochestra

 녹음: 1986/08/09-18 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Large Hall, U.S.S.R. State TV and Radio, Moscow

[2007/5/1 go***님 입력]
아론 코플런드: 애팔래치아의 봄 
COPLAND, Aaron: Appalachian Spring

Dmitri Kitayenko (conductor)
Moscow Philharmonic Ochestra

 녹음: 1986/08/09-18 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Large Hall, U.S.S.R. State TV and Radio, Moscow

[2007/5/1 go***님 입력]
거슈윈: 현악을 위한 자장가 
GERSHWIN: Lullaby for String Orchestra

Dmitri Kitayenko (conductor)
Moscow Philharmonic Ochestra

 녹음: 1986/08/09-18 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Large Hall, U.S.S.R. State TV and Radio, Moscow

[2007/5/1 go***님 입력]
아이브즈: 대답없는 질문 
IVES: The Unanswered Question

Dmitri Kitayenko (conductor)
Moscow Philharmonic Ochestra

 녹음: 1986/08/09-18 Stereo, Digital
장소: The Large Hall, U.S.S.R. State TV and Radio, Moscow

[2007/5/1 go***님 입력]
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