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[1 CD] CD-80133

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 2명
홀스트: 행성 op. 32 
HOLST: The Planets op. 32

Andre Previn (conductor)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Women of the Brington Festival Chorus

 녹음: 1986/04/14&15 Stereo, Digital
장소: Watford Town Hall, London

[2005/5/3 pl***님 입력]

1. Mars, the Bringer of War [7:11]
2. Venus, the Bringe rof Peace [8:46]
3. Mercury, the Winged Messenger [3:55]
4. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity [7:49]
5. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age [9:04]
6. Uranus, the Magician [5:52]
7. Neptune, the Mystic [7:51]
Total Timing [50:55]

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