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[1 CD] CDA67688

내 음반WishList
오네게르: 승리하는 호라티우스 - 오케스트라를 위한 마임 교향곡 
HONEGGER: Horace victorieux - Symphonie Mimée pour Orchestre

Thierry Fischer (conductor)
BBC National Orchestra of Wales

 녹음: 2008/02/20~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Brangwyn Hall, Swansea

[2010/8/10 da***님 입력]
오네게르: 첼로 협주곡 
HONEGGER: Concerto for Cello

Alban Gerhardt (Vlc.)

Thierry Fischer (conductor)
BBC National Orchestra of Wales

 녹음: 2008/02/20~23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Brangwyn Hall, Swansea

[2010/8/10 da***님 입력]
오네게르: 크리스마스 칸타타 
HONEGGER: Une cantate de Noël

James Rutherford (baritone)

Robert Court (organ)

Thierry Fischer (conductor)
BBC National Orchestra of Wales
BBC National Chorus of Wales
Children from the Choirs of Tewkesbury School, Schola Cantorum
Dean Close Chamber Choir

 녹음: 2007/12/14 Stereo, Digital
장소: St. David’s Hall, Cardiff (Live)

[2010/8/10 da***님 입력]
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