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[1 CD] LVC001054

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소장한 회원: 1명
루셀: 플룻과 노래를 위한 롱사르의 시 
ROUSSEL: Poems de Ronsard pour flute et voix

Sandrine Piau, soprano

Michel Moragues, flute

 녹음: 2001 Stereo, Digital
장소: Temple Cortambert de Paris

[2011/4/4 rh***님 입력]
루셀: 플루트와 피아노를 위한 아리아 
ROUSSEL: Aria pour flute et piano

Mathieu Dufour, flute
Adrienne Krausz, piano

 녹음: 2001 Stereo, Digital
장소: Temple Cortambert de Paris

[2011/4/4 rh***님 입력]
라벨: 하프, 플루트, 클라리넷과 현악 4중주를 위한 서주와 알레그로 
RAVEL: Introduction and Allegro for harp, flute, clarinet and string quartet

Marielle Nordmann, harpe
Patrick Gallois, flute
Florent Heau, clarinet
Emile Naoumoff, piano

 녹음: 2001/12 Stereo, Digital
장소: Saint-Marcel de Paris

[2011/4/4 rh***님 입력]
풀랑크: 플루트와 피아노를 위한 소나타 FP 164 
POULENC: Sonata for Flute and Piano FP 164

Michel Moragues, flute
Emile Naoumoff, piano

 녹음: 2003/12 Stereo, Digital
장소: Saint-Marcel de Paris

[2011/4/4 rh***님 입력]
루셀: 세레나데 (플루트, 바이올린, 비올라, 첼로, 하프를 위한) op.30 
ROUSSEL: Serenade for flute, violin, viola, cello, harp, op.30

Mathieu Dufour, flute
Julie Palloc, harpe
Trio Joachim

 녹음: 2001 Stereo, Digital
장소: Temple Cortambert de Paris

[2011/4/4 rh***님 입력]
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