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[21 CD] NIFCCD000020

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소장한 회원: 5명
쇼팽: 폴란드 멜로디에 의한 환타지 A장조 op. 13 
CHOPIN: Fantasia on Polish Airs in A major op. 13

Nelson Goerner

Frans Bruggen (conductor)
Orchestra of the 18th Century

 녹음: 2006/8/30 Stereo, Digital
장소: Operze Narodowej,Warsaw

[2010/11/10 ne***님 입력]
쇼팽: "우리 손을 맞잡고" 주제에 의한 변주곡 op. 2 
CHOPIN: Variations on "La ci darem la mano" from Don Giovanni op. 2

Nelson Goerner

Frans Bruggen (conductor)
Orchestra of the 18th Century

 녹음: 2007/11/30 Stereo, Digital
장소: Operze Narodowej,Warsaw

[2010/11/10 ne***님 입력]
쇼팽: 론도 크라코비아크 F장조 op. 14 
CHOPIN: Rondo a la Krakowiak in F major op. 14

Nelson Goerner

Frans Bruggen (conductor)
Orchestra of the 18th Century

 녹음: 2007/11/30 Stereo, Digital
장소: Operze Narodowej,Warsaw

[2010/11/10 ne***님 입력]
쇼팽: 안단테 스피아나토와 대 폴로네즈 op. 22 
CHOPIN: Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise op. 22

Nelson Goerner

Frans Bruggen (conductor)
Orchestra of the 18th Century

 녹음: 2007/11/30 Stereo, Digital
장소: Operze Narodowej,Warsaw

[2010/11/10 ne***님 입력]
작곡가 미상: 폴란드는 아직 파멸하지 않았다(폴란드 국가) 
Anonymous: Poland Is Not Yet Lost

Frans Bruggen (conductor)
Orchestra of the 18th Century

 녹음: 2007/11/30 Stereo, Digital
장소: Operze Narodowej,Warsaw

[2010/11/10 ne***님 입력]

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