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[1 Blu-ray Video] OABD7136D

화면비: 16:9
사운드: PCM Stereo

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소장한 회원: 1명
조지 벤자민: 가죽에 쓰인 글씨 
BENJAMIN, George: Written on Skin

Christopher Purves (Protector)
Barbara Hannigan (Agnès)
Bejun Mehta (First Angel/Boy)
Victoria Simmonds (Second Angel/Marie)
Allan Clayton (Third Angel/John)

George Benjamin (conductor)
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House

 녹음: 2013/03 Surround, Digital
장소: Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London

[2021/1/26 oh***님 입력]
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고객센터 | 게시판 | 1:1 쪽지
홈페이지 | 로그인 | PC 버전