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[2 SACD] RCO11001

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
말러: 교향곡 01번 D장조 "거인" 
MAHLER: Symphony No. 1 in D major "Titan"

Lothar Zagrosek (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 2009/11/12,13 Surround, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Amsterdam

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2020/3/3 li***님 입력]

[RCO11001] Nicht zu Schnell (arranged by Colin Matthews)
헤르트 반 코일레: 바리톤과 오케스트라를 위한 5개의 비극적 가곡 (2007) 
Keulen, Geert van: Funf tragische Lieder (2007) auf Gedichte von Anna Enquist, fur Bariton und Orchester

Detlef Roth (baritone)

Lothar Zagrosek (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 2009/11/13 Surround, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

[2020/3/3 li***님 입력]
데틀레프 글라너트: fluss ohne Ufer 
GLANERT, Detlev: fluss ohne Ufer

Markus Stenz (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 2010/04/09 Surround, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Amsterdam

[2020/3/3 li***님 입력]
빌렘 예드스: Scale 'le tombeau de Mahler' 
JETHS, Willem: Scale 'le tombeau de Mahler'

Ed Spanjaard (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 2010/12/09,10 Surround, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Amsterdam

[2020/3/3 li***님 입력]
조이 라우켄스: Out of control 
ROUKENS, Joey: Out of control

David Robertson (conductor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

 녹음: 2011/03/24,25 Surround, Digital
장소: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Amsterdam ​

[2020/3/3 li***님 입력]
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